The Department of Health Eastern Visayas Center for Health Development, thru the Regional COVID-19 Vaccination Operations Center, commenced its implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 5-11 on February 14, 2022 at the Eastern Visayas Medical Center.

Dr. Salvador Evardone, EVMC Chief, welcomed the guests and participants to the launching program highlighting this milestone for the region’s vaccination campaigns. Regional Directors and representatives of other partner agencies showed their support to reinforce the vaccination drive for the said age group. Dir. Evelyn R. Fetalvero of DepEd RO8, Dir. Lord Byron Torrecarion, as represented by his Chief Operations Officer, of OCD RO8, SUPT. Joelito S. Sabandal, Deputy Regional Director for Operations of the BFP, COL. Carmelito Pangatungan, Deputy Brigade Commander 801 Brigade 8ID of the AFP, and PBGEN. Joel B. Limson, Deputy Regional Director for Administration of the PNPRO8 were present to embody the whole-of-government approach towards the vaccination activity. Dr. Teresita Gerlia Narciso, President of the Philippine Pediatric Society RO8, Dr. Rodolfo Antonio M. Albornoz, DOH EVCHD Assistant Regional Director, officials and staff of the EVMC, DOH EVCHD, DepEd, OCD, PNP, BFP, and media partners also attended the launching activity. Also, the PIA, DICT, DTI, and other RVOC member-agencies also extended their support to the success of the vaccination activity.

Different provinces and Local Government Units in the region have also manifested their support to this roll-out. Child-friendly vaccination venues decorated with colorful balloons where children received snacks and goodies after getting vaccinated were some strategies posted by health care workers and LGUs to give the kids a fun experience while getting the protection they need. The children who participated were accompanied by their parents, and authorized guardians where necessary consent forms were processed along the vaccination steps.