The Eastern Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium is currently hosting the Balik Scientist Program engagement of Balik Scientist Dr. June Bryan de la Peña, a neuroscientist from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For the first leg of his engagement, Dr. de la Peña together with the EVHRDC Secretariat, conducted a consultation with the officials and Research Directors of the Samar State University on November 23, 2022. Dr. de la Peña visited the different laboratories of SSU and provided recommendations on how they could maximize their impressive research facilities in conducting research work that could benefit the region.
On the next day, he visited the Philippine Science High School-Eastern Visayas Campus for a Science Outreach Activity and consultation.  The Forum entitled "How I Became a Neuroscientist" was attended by very active students from Grades 8-11. The activity ignited the interest of many students to consider neuroscience as possible career path. This was followed by a consultation with the PSHS faculty and researchers where Dr. de la Peña discussed possible areas for collaboration and gave recommendations on the research topics that the faculty and students could work on using the school's available resources. Dr. de la Peña will be visiting more member institutions of the consortium in order to achieve one of the main objectives of this BSP engagement, which is to establish a strong collaboration among EVHRDC member institutions and open channels for resource sharing to nurture the research culture in Eastern Visayas.