• The Executive Committee, which shall be the overall governing body of the consortium; which is charged with overseeing all administrative and operational concerns of the consortium;


  • The EVHRDC Secretariat, which shall function as the body coordinating all efforts of the different committees of the consortium, and shall take charge of administrative functions, including but not limited to fiscal management and inter-institutional coordination;


  • Research Management Committee, which is charged with various affairs concerning the management of planned, ongoing and concluding research projects;


  • Ethics Review Committee, which shall be the authority on research ethics within the consortium;


  • Capacity Building Committee, which is in charge of building the capacity of member institutions in engaging in research activities and forming institutional partnerships;


  • Research Utilization Committee, which is in charge of securing and managing information necessary for the operations of the consortium and its activities;


  • Structure, Organization, Monitoring and Evaluation Committee, which is in charge of concerns regarding membership of institutions, hiring of secretariat staff and selection of committee chairs and members.