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- Written by EVHRDC
- Category: Announcement
- Hits: 957
The Eastern Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium (EVHRDC) in its commitment to promote and empower health research activities in Region 8, will be conducting its 2022 Regional Health Research Symposium (RHRS) on October 27-28, 2022. This year, the symposium is anchored on the theme “Health Research: Responding to Challenges Towards National Recovery and Resiliency”. Among the highlights of the activity are the region-wide contest for Oral Research Paper Presentations, Poster Exhibits, and 3-Minute Pitch, both in the professional and undergraduate categories where modest amount of cash prizes will be given to the winners.
Deadline of submission of entries is on EXTENDED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30, 2022. Kindly send your entries at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the preliminary evaluation and judging. You may contact the EVHRDC Secretariat at (053) 888-4203 for more details.
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- Written by PCHRD
- Category: Announcement
- Hits: 878
The mission of Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) and Faculty of Tropical Medicine (FTM), Mahidol University (SEAMEO TROPMED Thailand) is to address health systems needs by developing and strengthening capacity for health research through teaching and research for advanced knowledge in medical sciences and medical services. Hence, both institutions agreed to collaborate on the development and implementation of a graduate scholarship program.
The Foreign Graduate Scholarship Program offers exciting opportunities for research training particularly on tropical diseases. The program aims to provide opportunities to deserving students to study and obtain graduate degrees abroad and develop a pool of high-quality human resources who will contribute to the country’s global competitiveness and economic development.
Doctor of Philosophy in Tropical Medicine
The three-year multidisciplinary program offers broad areas in Tropical Medicine including Protozoology, Helminthology, Medical Entomology, Microbiology and Immunology, Social and Environmental Medicine, Tropical Hygiene, Tropical Nutrition and Food Science, Tropical Pathology and Molecular Tropical Medicine and Genetics focusing on active learning experience in well-equipped laboratory and at field site to equip graduates with multidisciplinary knowledge and skills in Tropical Medicine.
Master of Science in Tropical Medicine
The two-year program focuses on equipping students with scientific knowledge on tropical diseases, public health and related subjects. The goal of the program is to provide a balanced education that combines knowledge, skills, and moral values. The program has been developed to stimulate students to embrace life-long learning in scientific research, develop their soft and communication skills, and build their leadership ability.
One position for PhD program and two positions for MSc program will be available each year at FTM Mahidol University - SEAMEO TROPMED Thailand (Subject to the availability of funds)
The applicant must:
- Be a Filipino citizen;
- Be in good health condition;
- Not be more than 50 years old at the time of application;
- Have completed B.Sc./M.Sc degree in related field of study;
- Have an outstanding academic record;
- Passed the admission requirements for the MSc/PhD study;
- Passed the interview and other screening procedures;
- Have research interests which are aligned with the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) and Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda;
- Conduct his/her research for the entire duration of the scholarship and of the MSc/PhD Program; and
- Be willing to render the required service obligation for a period equivalent to twice the length of time or a fraction thereof that they enjoyed the MS/PhD scholarships.
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- Written by Administrator
- Category: Announcement
- Hits: 1161
The EVHRDC Awards is presented annually to researchers in Region 8 to recognize significant contributions to knowledge related to health. The awards will have two (2) categories: the Distinguished Health Researcher Award and the Outstanding Novice Health Researcher Award. Up to three awards may be given annually to each of the categories. The selection committee may not confer any of the awards once no one meets the qualifications.
Eligibility for Distinguished Health Researcher Award
The Distinguished Health Researcher Award is open to all Filipino Citizen researchers of Region 8-Eastern Visayas (whether individual or group/institutional categories) of the affiliated members of the Eastern Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium (EVHRDC) and other interested colleges, universities, and agencies not affiliated with EVHRDC. The award shall have no age restrictions and can be granted posthumously.
Eligibility for Outstanding Novice Health Researcher Award
This aims to encourage young researchers to undertake work in all fields of health research. The award will be granted to researchers within Eastern Visayas region that are employed by the member institutions of the consortium only. This award shall be given/conferred to young researchers not exceeding the age of 40 at the time of nomination.
Selection Criteria
The Distinguished Health Researcher Award is conferred to individuals or groups while the Outstanding Novice Health Researcher Award is conferred to individuals who have made a significant contribution to health. This contribution could be a long-term, cumulative contribution or a single, particularly insightful idea, experiment, application, or interpretation.
The selection committee shall consider the following criteria in selecting the recipient:
- Demonstrated excellence in research, scholarly, and/or artistic work;
- Recognition by professional societies, community organizations, or other external bodies;
- Contributions to the research environment both locally, nationally, and internationally. This can include the development of major research installations (e.g. a research centre), participation in the deliberations of a major research granting agency (e.g. member and/or chair of a grant selection committee), or other prestigious forms of service to the field;
- Contributions to the training and education of highly qualified personnel (e.g., undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and technical staff).
- The selection committee reserves the right to make fewer than three awards or none at all in any year if there are no suitable candidates.
- The institution where the individual or group researcher/s is affiliated shall also be recognized.
- The selection committee shall determine the award category of a candidate/nominee. Distinguished Health Researcher nominee should have a minimum of five (5) published health researches conducted, and the Outstanding Novice Health Researcher nominee should have one or a maximum of four (4) published health researche/s.
- New nominees should submit entries covering their accomplishments for the last three (3) years.
- Previous nominees who were not conferred the 1st place award may still submit entries covering their accomplishments for the last three (3) years. Previous top one winners from both categories shall no longer be allowed to join the search.
Selection Committee
The award recipients will be chosen by a selection committee that include:
- The Chairperson of the EVHRDC SOME Committee or its Authorized Representative (Chair);
- The Chairpersons of the EVHRDC Committees (RMC, ERC, RUC, CBC) or Authorized representatives from each committee (Members); and
- In the event that a selection committee member shall be nominated, he/she must abstain from any discussions about and decisions in the selection of the award recipient. He/She shall be replaced by an authorized member of the consortium committee to be determined by the Executive Committee.
- The member of the selection committee/evaluator should not be in any way related to the nominee up to 3rd degree of consanguinity or affinity. In such a case, the member shall likewise abstain. He/She shall be replaced by an authorized member of the consortium committee to be determined by the Executive Committee.
Nomination Procedures
- The EVHRDC Selection Committee will be responsible for issuing a call for nominations.
- Candidates may be nominated by a colleague, any individual, or any agency. Self-nomination may also be allowed. The nominator should be of someone in higher stature than the nominee. It could be someone the nominee had worked with, i.e., mentor, consultant, or workmate.
- The nomination package must include:
3.1. A letter from the nominator summarizing the candidate’s research achievements and outlining the national or international significance of the candidate’s scholarly work. (The nomination letter should not exceed 3 pages);
3.2. Current curriculum vitae of the candidate in the standardized format required by the EVHRDC Search Committee;
3.3. Three letters of support from scholars in the candidate’s main or cognate fields, commenting on the impact of the candidates’ work regionally, nationally, and internationally. At least two of these letters must be from scholars outside the workplace.
3.4 Filled out EVHRDC Awards 2022 Nomination Form.
4. Nominees should be researchers from Region 8; one or more study should cover locale, respondents, or subjects from the region, while other studies may cover locale, respondents, or subjects from other parts of the country (or the world), but results of the study should have relevance to Region 8.
Selection Criteria
The Distinguished Health Researcher Awardees and Outstanding Novice Health Researcher Awardees shall be chosen by the Board of Judges. Decisions of the Board of Judges shall be final and unappealable. The Board of Judges has the right not to declare any winner. The Board of Judges shall formulate their own guidelines of judging based on the suggested criteria:
Extent of impact on health/quality of life | 40% |
Economic benefits | 30% |
S&T benefits | 10% |
Research Pitching and Publications | 10% |
Research Training Involvement | 10% |
100% |
Awards and Recognition
Distinguished Health Researcher Award
- Cash 1st Place Php30,000.00
Award for Institution – Certificate
- Two Runners-up
Cash 2nd Place Php25,000.00
3rd Place Php20,000.00
Award for Institution – Certificate
Outstanding Novice Health Researcher Award
- Cash 1st Place Php25,000.00
Award for Institution – Certificate
- Two Runners-up
Cash 2nd Place Php20,000.00
3rd Place Php15,000.00
Award for Institution - Certificate
How to Submit an Entry
Submit the nomination package in person, via courier or via email on or before August 31, 2022. Please provide documentary evidences or any supporting documents to support your entry (These may include publications, reports, certificates, and photographs)
- In person or courier: EVHRDC Secretariat, DOST Regional Office No. 08, Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte
- Email: send in PDF format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject: EVHRDC Awards 2022 Submission
Activity |
2022 Timeline |
Call for Nomination |
May 2022 |
Deadline for Submission of Nominations |
August 31, 2022 |
Selection Process |
September 2022 |
Awarding of Winners |
2022 Regional Science and Technology Week (November 2022) |
You may download the forms below:
EVHRDC Awards 2022 CV of the Candidate Form
EVHRDC Awards 2022 Nomination Form
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- Written by Administrator
- Category: Announcement
- Hits: 766
Join us as we present the accomplishments of Dr. June Bryan de la Peña's short-term Balik Scientist engagement on January 31, 2022, 9:00 AM -11:00 AM via Zoom.
He will also be providing his recommendations to his host institution, the Eastern Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium (EVHRDC), and discuss his plans after his current engagement.
Please register in advance by clicking this link: https://bit.ly/3zxEo4z