Palo, Leyte - A more strengthened nutrition program implementation and policy advocacy is seen to effect on the implementation of this new assessment tool, DMO Alma Bernardo of Eastern Samar expressed during the one day orientation of the Monitoring and Evaluation on Local Level Plan Implementation (MELLPI) Pro on May 7, 2019 at the COA Training Center, Government Center, Palo, Leyte.
The last batch of participants to be oriented with the new protocol are the Department of Health (DOH) Development Management Officers which function include lobbying of national nutrition and health-related policies and provide technical assistance to the local government units in terms of health planning, health program/project management, health facilities improvement, health emergency management and reporting.
Nutrition Program Manager Ms. Felecita Borata together with Ms. Camelia Nemil, member of the Regional Nutrition Evaluation Team, and Nutrition Officer III Nino Archie Labordo of the National Nutrition Council served as facilitators and oriented the participants on the background of MELLPI Pro, its key features, guidelines and journey to nutrition awards, monitoring forms were presented and discussed. On the latter, desk review simulation workshop was participated by group.